Fantastic day at Trøndelag hundefestival, National dog show. Our 8 months puppy Skovard`s Bow Tie (N S UCH NVCH Austri V.D Mibafs Hoeve – N S DK UCH NV18 DKJCH Yo Yo Di Turboland) BIS 4, breed judge Bengt Åke Bogren, Group AnneMaria Tarjan and BIS Anne Indergaard < V3FuMwp5BArzYpMxRulXGscZ5BGjt94OOreq1TslknNadKAbqy7wQQKdJsSRcrqRH0JSr&fref=m entions> .
C.I.E N S DK UCH NVCH NORDV 18 NV17 After Midnight V.D. Mibaf`s Hoeve (Ideal Match V D Mibafs Hoeve- Passport So You Say ) ended BIG 2
CIE N DK UCH SEJV-13 Olympos La Mia Maschera A Carnevale, Our beautiful Bracco Italiano ended BIG 2
Det årlige rasemesterskapet i blodspor for dachshunder gikk av stabelen i dag 27.7 på Igsi gård i Østfold. Arne Sandgolt representerte Vestland Dachshundklubb med Skovard`s Serenade (Emma) de ble 3. beste ekvipasje.
- Publisert 05-08-2019 LofotenOur puppy Leo BIS at Stiklestad today. Dogshow for hunting dogs.
- Publisert 15-06-2019 SunndalsøraYesterday at Sunndal Hundeklubbs National Dogshow was a great day. DKJCH SV19 NV18 Yo Yo Di Turboland was Best in Group, and he has got new titles. NUCH DKUCH SUCH. and his 4 months son Skovard`s Bow Tie Best In Group and Best In Show 3
NORD CH NVCH NORDV 18 NJV17 After Midnight V D Mibafs Hoeve was BOS.
Judge: Arne Foss. Photo: BIG Yo Yo is Elisabeth Bugge Olsen < XpbnrPFj5wL5z65kiR_ZjJ7espEdBu64udgTGAp1zgDrP5Idf7mhBgrUzAyVw8Opbah&fref=men tions> and the others Marit Jenssen < e2VpmfRhvjkuVTcQonMrdz7wZrmzBxC1DNGOr3NlseMgmGp6OovJC6MgjInBvSnGkD8&fref=men tions>
S JV 18 Skovards Sascha Proud parents is SE VCH C.I.B C.I.E DK UCH NORD CH Lillsjøskogens Aleksej De Bonbon – N S UCH NVCH Austri V D Mibafs Hoeve
He got a new title at Swedish Winner Show today, Swedish junior winner 2019
Owner Maria Alm < yQy4tf39gPGV6TCNZHt1DfW5Dt9U7bBVjdRhxxOAB7cOzT_ReAr_fYaUETx68Ei&fref=mention s>
Swedish winner show in Sundsvall. BOB DKJCH NV 18 Yo Yo Di Turboland.
SE JV18 Skovards Sascha Junior Winner and second best male.
NORD CH NORD V 18 NJV 17 NVCH After Midnight V D Mibafs Hoeve second best bitch.
Judge Eva Jønsson
NVCH Skovard`s Flashdance got a new title NUCH
- Publisert 16-04-2019 Litter Sofia and Yo Yo